I was reading James 1 this morning and verse 27 stood up...
James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Every baby deserved a loving parents. If not a loving parents, then at least a caring nanny, or a doting adoptive parents. To love, cuddle and take good care of them. I cannot imagine us without our baby Thaddea, or worse, Thaddea without us...
I always wish that I have more money to sponsor a child or two in an orphanage or fostercare. Right now, I can only pray for them. May God brings every orphan into a forever family who will love and care for them forever~ Amen!
These children sang of the invisible Hands of Jesus. Though they cannot see Him nor touch Him, they knew that He is always there, wispering ever so softly to them. O, they knew deep in their hearts that their Lord Jesus is always there with them.
It was the nail-pierced Hands of Jesus that have touched and comforted their broken hearts. It was the soft gentle words of Jesus that once again filled the hunger and thirst of their hearts.
Praise the Lord!
詩 篇 103:1-2
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