Friday, August 14, 2009

Graduation Memory

Today is the day my Firstborn - Tiffany, has her Kindergarten Graduation photo shooting. We buzzed around like the honey bees just to get her ready for the big SNAP, which will have her dressed in a graduation gown and cap!

I woke up early to get Tiffany washed and changed into her school uniform. Tied up her hair into 2 phony tails, combed her bang, and all the while teaching her how to *S*M*I*L*E* :)

Then I remembered my own graduation photo, so I went digging into my file and was so happy to see it in the very first plastic holder, I saw myself(some 30 over years ago!) holding a scroll and looking ever-so-smart in my graduation gown and cap!

Lydia @ 6 years old!

Looking Smart~

Check out that bandage on my index finger, lol!

Check out my ear rings, hehehe ;)

I'm so touched that my mom kept this for me, and I'm so glad that I'm keeping it too... it brought back memories and it warms my heart just looking at this pic... I'm gonna keep Tiffa's and make sure 30 years later she'd be able to see her Kinder's graduation photo like I did today.

Looking at myself in that pic, especially my eyes, I see such confident! Wish I have been that confident in all of my life :P

Check out that bandage, no Tinkerbell's print on it, haha! Just a simple plain brown plaster... Oh, looking at my left index finger now, there's this long scar round the finger tip... I remember it was quite a deep cut when I tried peeling a sugercane with a kitchen knife! Nearly lost my finger :P Thank God for preserving me!!

I was nearly drown in a swimming pool when I was in Primary school, still remember that vividly! God took care of me even before I came to know him some 10 years later from there... COOL~

Jeremiah 1:4
The Call of Jeremiah
The word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

God may not have appointed me as a prophet.. but He did choose me to be His child before I was even born! That said, before I was being formed in my mother's womb, God already knew me and loved me... YAY!! *Happy*

Hey... YOU too! God knew you before you were being formed in the womb... do get to know this God who loves you so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, for you ;)

Ahh... I hope my Firstborn gives her best smile today!

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