Thursday, July 31, 2008

I was sick...

I was down with an infection on Monday and took half day off work to go to the polyclinics and they gave me a queue number that was 40 from the now serving number... plus a mask. I was having fever, 38 degree celcius. I choose to go there as I wanted to collect my girl's Vaccination Certificate, even though I know the waiting time would be loooooooong.

On the second day when I was really weak and feverish and all I could do was lay on the bed, I felt so useless... couldn't take care of baby, couldn't relief Daddy of the girls, couldn't go to work, couldn't do anything at all! It was awlful! Daddy was so sweet and understanding, he comforted me that I should just rest since I was sick. Come to think of it, I was the heartless one who expected him to help with the children when he was not well.... :P

Right now I'm feeling much better, even went back to work (I miss my work! hehe) but I stayed home (with baby) while the rest went to Faith Jiejie's house for CG meeting. The house is so quiet now with baby finally sleeping (I carry and rock her, then place her on the bed and pat her, she cried so I carry and rock her again, then place her on the bed and pat her again, sang lullaby, all for almost an hour! Oh my aching back... and Daddy told me that she would definately sleep early tonight as she didn't sleep well in the day... Really huh?) I kinda miss my little song bird and Miss Enfa A+, lol. Daddy wanted me to rest so I better go lay in bed now.

Dear Lord Jesus, how you healed the sick 2000 years ago, I believe You are able to heal me today. Because You are a God who changes not. Thank You for healing and making me whole. Amen!

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrew 13:8

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tour Israel

I have not been to Israel, yet. My pastor did. He went to Israel, the biblical Holy Land of God, with his family in May this year. They joined the local tour group Pilgrim Tours together with international tourists. I think it was the 15 days package known as "The Exodus" touring from Egypt, to Jordan & finally Israel. How exciting! I wish I can go too. I wonder why it was not in my plan to tour Israel on my honeymoon(we went to Europe instead)... probably due to the security. But I believe it is safe, many went and came back still in one piece. At least for my pastor :)

Anyway, thank God for the internet! I did a search on Israel tours and found many nice sites where people post their tour experiences on YouTube, Apple.Mac, etc, and by looking at the pictures they took and videos they taped, it was as good as "Been there. Done that." haha.

Going through the itinerary, they would have an early morning walk up Mt. Moses, pastor said only his daughter who is physically capable climbed Mt. Sinai, while he and his wife went by bus. I wonder how on earth did they make it by bus? Any way I found this video clip "Walking down Mt Sinai in Egypt". I would love to go for the hike! Right near the end of the video is the St. Catherine's Monastery, claimed to be built around the area of Moses' Burning Bush. Pastor said some of the tourist tried to grab some bushes for souvenir, oh man....

After which it was followed by a short ride to the Red Sea. I found this very very very interesting link on the finding of The Red Sea Crossing... They even found Chariot Wheels, human and horse bones at the crossing site in the Sea. From the link I also saw this fascinating documentary on Sodom & Gomorrah where the ash and brimstone remain from when God destroy the cities. Good readings!

I went through the itinerary day by day and search the internet for the places, I was like touring Israel by the World Wide Web instead, haha. I finally found this photo album of Rev. Neal's 2006 Pilgrimage to Israel which has all the pictures of the places :

  • Caesarea - where Gentiles first heard the Good News from Peter and were baptized.
  • Mt. Carmel - where Elijah challenged King Ahab and the prophets of Baal.
  • Megiddo - the Armageddon Battlefield, where archaeologists have unearthed 20 levels of civilization.
  • Nazareth - the boyhood home of Jesus.
  • Sea of Galilee - where the Disciples worked as fishermen, where Jesus walked on water, and where our Lord "calmed the stormy sea." A relaxing cruise brings to life the experiences of Jesus and the fishermen disciples.
  • Capernaum - Jesus taught in the synagogue in Capernaum on the sabbath days. In Capernaum also, Jesus healed a man who had the spirit of an unclean devil and healed a fever in Simon Peter. See ruins of an ancient synagogue and Peter’s home.
  • Caesarea Philippi - where Peter made his confession of Jesus as the Messiah.
  • Mount of Beatitudes - the multiplication of 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Traditional site of Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount."
  • Jordan River Baptism Site - This site is believed by some to be the actual site where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
  • Beth Sheanthe - most magnificent archeological site in Israel.
  • Jerusalem, the City of God - overview shots, taken from different places around and within and above the city.
  • Garden of Gethsemane - Gethsemane was the garden where Jesus watched, prayed, and suffered for the sins of the world the night before he was crucified. It was also where Christ was betrayed by the disciple Judas Iscariot.
  • Caiaphas' House - where Jesus was beaten and spit upon.
  • The Via Dolorosa - According to one tradition, this path is the way Jesus took from Pilate's Court through Jerusalem and up to Golgatha.
  • Garden Tomb - The alternative site for the crucifixion and burial of Jesus.
  • The Western Wall - The Western Wall is the Temple Mount retaining wall that dates from the time of the Jewish Second Temple (515 BCE - 70 AD). It is the only part that remains from the Second Temple.

Thank you soooooooooooooo much Rev. Neal for all those nice pictures you took and posted with descriptions and notes! I really appreciate your effort! May God bless you!

Looking at some of the pictures, I find that some traditional sites are being idolized and "shrinified", like Bethlehem: The Church of the Nativity... True enough, when Pastor came back from the trip, he did commented that it was quite eerie seeing those places, he even had goose-pimples when he went in there! I think some of the places are just set up for tourism-sake. But of course, my Lord did walked the streets of Jerusalem. If I were to tour Israel, it would be more for the scenery and archeological sites.

And of course, the Dead Sea! How can I forget the lowest place on earth. I would love to splotch those mineral-rich mud all over my body and float on the sea with a newspaper in my hands ;)

I would also like to start the tour from Cairo, Egypt, where I can see the wonders of the ancient world, the pyramid Cheops with an original height of 496 feet! The Sphinx and tour the Egyptian Museum, location of Tutankhamen's treasures and ancient remains. Gee...good stuff. Got to be prepared for the heat though, pastor said he was almost "chao tah" (burnt) standing under the hot blazing sun for hours listening to the tour guide, haha.

I'd like to see PETRA too. Found a video clip on it :) Pastor said he walked the longest, to and fro, just to see it and it was SO hot and thirsty that he need to "ration" the mineral water just so to wet the lips! Well, still got to go see it for myself. Maybe would bring more $$ for a camel ride there.

Pastor's wife commented that going from Egypt, to Jordan and finally into Israel, she could literally see that the Promise Land which God gave to His people is really a "Land flowing with milk and honey." So much greenery compared to the dry and deserted land...

I wanna go to Israel! I wanna journey through the Bible while touring the actual biblical sites in Israel. Going to the land where Abraham, David, Jesus and His disciples lived, it will definately be a life changing experience!! Yes, Holy Land Tour! Until then... I will be happy to do just this :

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 'May those who love you be secure.' " Psalm 122:6

Friday, July 18, 2008

I Will Carry You

Baby Audrey in mommy Angie's hands
I chanced upon this blog Bring the Rain~The Story of Audrey Caroline by a mother who discovered at 20 weeks that her baby Audrey would not survive even if she is born. But she chose to carry her to full term and gave birth to her, only to lose her shortly after.

Here is a very touching letter she wrote for her baby : A Letter to My Daughter

And here is a very touching song she has written for her baby (with her husband and a friend). Listen and see pictures of her and her family in the slideshow.

I Will Carry You

There were photographs I wanted to take
Things I wanted to show you
Sing sweet lullabies, wipe your teary eyes
Who could love you like this?

People say that I am brave but I'm not
Truth is I'm barely hanging on
But there's a greater story
Written long before me
Because He loves you like this

So I will carry you
While your heart beats here
Long beyond the empty cradle
Through the coming years
I will carry you
All my life
And I will praise the One Who's chosen me
To carry you

Such a short time
Such a long road
All this madness
But I know
That the silence
Has brought me to His voice
And He says...

I've shown her photographs of time beginning
Walked her through the parted seas
Angel lullabies, no more teary eyes
Who could love her like this?

I will carry you
While your heart beats here
Long beyond the empty cradle
Through the coming years
I will carry you
All your life
And I will praise the One Who's chosen Me
To carry you

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." Job1:21

And I will praise the One Who's chosen me... to carry you...



I felt the pinch of inflation. Finally. I had read news about it and saw pictures of people in other countries protesting against it, but it never felt so real until recently when the amount in my bank account is getting painfully lesser and lesser, and I have been receiving red notes and fines.

I thought we over-spent on something... but checking through the bills, we have been very careful in our spending, infact, it was as per normal or less. We stayed home the whole of June School Holiday, we seldom eat supper now and we never switch on the air-conditioner at night, ok, just a couple of nights when it was super hot.

YUPPERS! It was because of the rising prices of rice, breads, oil, vegetables, meats, fruits, milk powders, and so on. All are but our basic needs!

I thank God for the profit sharing my company gave, it kinds of ease the pocket for now. I am so afraid to think ahead, where can we find the money if we run out of it... Most of our gold were sold. Shares? I dare not even read the news on the market.

I find myself looking for cheaper lunch recently. Thank God for the $1.50 chicken rice! I also try to eat noodles which cost the most $2.50. I gave up my favourite malay rice which cost $3.50 and sometime more if you wanna add another dish of vege... Once I tried to order one vege and one tofu and it cost only $1.70 which I was so so so happy, as I can eat my favourite malay rice and still spend less!

I don't order drink anymore as I'll have it back in my office. Now I really appreciate my company which provide drinks like coffee, tea and milo.

Dear God, please heal the situation. Please provide for those who are in need. For Your Name is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. God shall supply all our needs. Amen!

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." Psalm 23:1

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Simply no time...

Look, a year has past and I have not even posted a single thought. I simply have no time. The only time that I have I'll be at my girls' blog, posting pictures upon pictures, trying so hard to keep steps of their every moment that touched our lives... I left with only my lunch time at work, which is but a few minutes left after I come back to my desk from the hot afternoon sun.

Last Sunday I was suppose to memorised a Bible verse and present it infront of the church. This verse hit right into my heart....

"Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble." Proverbs 28:14

I made a promise, decided, vowed, to fear God and love Him with all my heart.

That was last year when I was in the most difficult moment of my life, God delievered me.

I was at the edge of death and wished so much that it was just a nightmare.

I cried so hard and shouted out loud in my heart of hearts to God that I will fear Him and love Him with all of my heart, with all of my mind, with all of my soul and with all of my strength, if He deliever me from my distress.

God did.

God set me free from cancer.

7 months have past, and God reminded me of this promise, this decision, this vow that I made, to fear Him.

So here I am, Lord. I want to fear You. Whatever I do and wherever I am, I will be in reverence of God and to please God, my great Deliverer, my life Saviour.

I love you God :)