Thursday, September 17, 2009


I've always like this quote:

"God made the cat to give man the pleasure of petting the tiger." ~~Fernand Mery

If you haven't know me yet: I LOVE CATS!

Sorry for shouting, hehe! I really, really think cats are the coolest animal God ever created! Since I was a little girl, I like to play with the strayed cats in our void deck, pet their heads and tickle the chins, play "catching" with their tails while they sleep!

I don't understand how some of you are afraid of cats, haha!

Now that I'm a grown-up, and know that strayed cats are actually dirty as they sleep everywhere they go, I seldom pet them anymore... I even stop my girls from touching them :P

I do hope to meet someone who keep cats as pets... so I can always visit them and play with their cats!

I have been visiting this blog created by a Japanese girl who has a pet cat named Maru. He is a Scottish Fold and he is so, so cute! He likes to play, sleep and play some more! And just like my friend, ANgie, he has just published his very First Book, Title: "I am Maru."

He is so COOL~

I found this blog in early April and was glued to it! There is update almost everyday which I totally enjoy! The owner has also started to put in English subtitles for the readers. The little dialogue which she posted with all the fun pictures of Maru has always made my day! Just like this one:

This is fit for me!

Also, you get to see videos of Maru in actions! And my favourite of them all is this:

"I like Maru's folded forefoot before jumping."

Too cute!!! Oooooooh, he is quite a popular guy and got himself a trophy of YouTube Video Awards Japan 2008!

The trophy~

I shan't write any further... just go check him out: MARU

"Umm.. why not?"

Genesis 1:24-25
And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Will Be Here

Philip, remember this song "I Will Be Here" by Steven Curtis Chapman?

12 years ago, today, you told me that you actually secretly practiced this song and wanted to sing for me on our wedding day... but you were not confident enough and instead, played the song on CD when we marched in for our dinner reception... Thank you, Philip, I was touched and still am... the fact that you had this thought of doing something for me and the fact that you had tried, I'm touched!

This song just melt my heart, I know that you mean ever word of this song, even till now.

12 years of marriage, you have always been here for me, even when the laughter turns to crying during my darkest moments; through the winning, losing, and trying, we have been together, you have always been here for me, thank you for loving me(it's not so easy, I know... :P) and I love you too :)

As sure as seasons are made for change, our lifetimes are made for years. Give us another 12 years, and I know that we'll still be together... 'cause you will be here.

I thank God for you, Philip - my dear, dear husband :)

Found this video uploaded by a mom dedicating the song to her children, the pictures are so beautiful! Except that it ended abruptly which might be a little distasteful to you who dislike abrupt ending of any song, hehe :P Anyway, it's still very nice~ enjoy!

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the sun does not appear,
I will be here.

If in the dark we lose sight of love,
Hold my hand and have no fear,
'Cause I will be here.

I will be here when you feel like being quiet;
When you need to speak your mind, I will listen.
And I will be here when the laughter turns to crying;
Through the winning, losing, and trying, we'll be together,
'Cause I will be here.

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the future is unclear,
I will be here.

As sure as seasons are made for change,
Our lifetimes are made for years,
So I will be here.

I will be here, so you can cry on my shoulder;
When the mirror tells us we're older, I will hold you.
And I will be here to watch you grow in beauty,
And tell you all the things you are to me;
I will be here.

I will be true to the promise I have made,
To you and to the One who gave you to me.

As sure as seasons are made for change,
Our lifetimes are made for years,
So I, I will be here.

We'll be together and I will be here.

I found another clip which embedding was disabled by the user, he dedicated this song to God. The interesting thing is, he uploaded pictures of benches, read BENCHES, many-different-types-of-benches, for the entire song!

Reminds me of the benches I placed in my FarmTown Maze Garden, haha!

I have always wanted to walk with you in the park, sitting on the benches, basking in the sun, listening to the bird singing, watching the ducks in the pond, and talking till the sun sets! Maybe we can do that when "the mirror tells us we're older" and when Mrs. Empty-Nest-Syndrome comes knocking on our door, haha!

Do click and watch it here: I Will Be Here by Gary Valenciano - Benches!!

Blessed 12th Wedding Anniversary!Luv you~

Our wedding verse: Song of songs 8:7
"Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned."

Thursday, September 3, 2009





这段歌词让我想到我的三个宝贝女儿, 当我看见她们开心的笑容时,我的确感到十二万分的幸福!而当我看到她们伤心流泪或生病时,我就会感到心好疼啊~

嗯,来个幸福的确据, 就拿昨晚来说吧:
Tiffany 在面包片中央咬了个小圈圈,非常的兴奋!而当我要帮她和面包拍照留念时,Theophila 跳进来凑热闹, 还比了个“得胜”的手势。


其实,Theophila 当时正发着高烧且肚子疼,疑是患了stomach flu... 之前还在学校把刚吃进肚子里的蛋糕(同学生日)给吐出来。。。从照片里看不出她生病吧!感谢耶稣的医治,今早已完全好了。:)

前几晚和小宝贝 Thaddea 读(玩)一个“躲猫猫”(peek-a-boo)的玩具小册,她超喜欢的!在最后一页 Piglet 的“BOO!" 时,她就会放声大笑, 可真是超级无敌可爱啊!!


Psalm 127:3
Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.

詩篇 127:3
儿 女 是 耶 和 华 所 赐 的 产 业;所 怀 的 胎 是 他 所 给 的 赏 赐 。




一次聚餐,因为我必须喂宝宝吃麦片,而无法动手吃大闸蟹。妈妈就帮我选了一个大闸蟹夹子, 说要帮我去壳,无情的我却对她说 “不用了, 不敢吃你的口水!”妈妈马上说“放心,我只用手剥。”随即就用尽全身的力气,又敲又打又用锤子砸,当中还不小心把爸爸的茶水杯子给打翻,弄湿了桌布和爸爸的裤子,还得麻烦侍应生把地拖干。。。好不容易除去大夹子的壳,把肥滋滋的蟹夹子肉递到我眼前, 哇~~~ 你说,我怎么能不感动呢?! 打开大嘴, 咻!一声把肥蟹肉给吞进肚子里,间中才咀嚼了两下下。心想妈妈在剥壳之前是否有舔了舔自己的手指。。若有的话,那这蟹肉不就沾满妈妈的口水?! 啊~~ 我太没良心了,亏妈妈那么的疼我,我还嫌她不卫生!我太不懂得感恩了 :P


照片里的妈妈并不是不开心,她的脸一直都是这样“臭”的,每每朋友见到她,都会说我妈妈很凶,但是她并不凶哦, 只是不常挂着笑脸 :/ 看她小盘子里一堆的蟹壳吗?那就是妈妈疼我的证据咯。呵呵!


Ephesians 6:1-3
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."

你 们 作 儿 女 的 , 要 在 主 里 听 从 父 母 , 这 是 理 所 当 然 的 。 要 孝 敬 父 母 , 使 你 得 福 , 在 世 长 寿 。 这 是 第 一 条 带 应 许 的 诫 命 。

就让我把这首歌献给我的三个宝贝 和 我的妈妈

演唱者朱小山的声音好好听。曲优,词美,充满爱的一首好歌!值得听了再听~ 想重复的听这首歌?那么就学我点击这里:

赞美诗网也提供了“ 媽媽的寶貝(My Baby)” 的創作背景!
製作人 拾雨 詞/曲/朱小山
演唱 朱小山&佳音兒童合唱團 (蕭佳欣 蕭佳琪 安藤聖峻 張仲彣)






爱哭的(Theophila),爱笑的(Tiffany & Thaddea)宝贝
