Monday, April 6, 2009






最近传来许多不好的消息。。。不是这位朋友开刀, 就是那位同事重病。顿时使我想起以上的这首诗歌 《生命的内容》。

初信主时,好喜欢这首诗歌, 记得那个时候,一直唱, 一直唱! 在房间里弹着吉他大声大声地唱。在洗澡时也放声唱。和弟兄姐妹聚集时,也一定一起唱着这首好听又有着极大能力的诗歌!

因为好希望全家人,全座组屋的人, 全世界的人,都来信耶稣,得永生!

雅 各 書 4 : 13 - 14

你 们 有 话 说 : 「 今 天 明 天 我 们 要 往 某 城 里 去 , 在 那 里 住 一 年 , 做 买 卖 得 利 。 」 其 实 明 天 如 何 , 你 们 还 不 知 道 。 你 们 的 生 命 是 甚 麽 呢 ? 你 们 原 来 是 一 片 云 雾 , 出 现 少 时 就 不 见 了 。

James 4:13-14

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

I have been receiving some bad news recently, either this friend of mine is going for an operation, or that colleague of mine was diagnosed with cancer. I thought how fragile life can be...

A song came to my mind which I loved to sing, again and again, when I first believed in Jesus Christ and became a Christian. I sang it in my bedroom playing the guitar, I sang it in my showers, I sang it with brethren in our gatherings! It is so meaningful and so powerful!

I just love it because I wanted my whole family, all my neighbours and the whole world to come to faith in Jesus, to receive life everlasting!

The song went something like this:
LIFE is so short, suddently it disappears.
Like a mist, or a rushing river, none can control it.

But SOUL is eternal, salvation or demnation.
It's this life's decision, do you have the confident?

Come! Believe in Jesus! He can wash away your sins.
And give you eternal life, that your soul escapes demnation.

"Eternity is but a breath away"... let's make the right choice before it it too late~


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